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Amnuaysilpa Suksri
Surasak Seripong


The glasshouse pot experiment was carried out at Khonkaen University during March 1989. Yasothon soil (Oxic Paleustults) was used to investigate the effects due to the application of Phosphorus (0,58, 116, and 174 kg P2 O5 /ha), cowpea residues (0, 6.25 and 12.50 ton / ha), and lime (0, 625 and 1,250 kg/ha). A factorial design arranged in randomized complete block with three replications was used. The results showed that P application greatly increased maize shoot dry matter yields and cowpea residues ranked the second but lime did not. Cowpea residues increased available soil P and soil organic matter whilst P sinificantly increased soil P but lime did not. P decreased the percentages of N ,K and Ca but increased the percentages of P in the plant shoots. Cowpea residues significantly increased the percentages of N and K in shoots. The application of P significantly increased total uptake of N, P, K and Ca in shoots of maize plants.

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