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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • All submissions must be original research not previously published or simultaneously submitted for publication
  • The manuscript that does not follow the guideline will not be accepted
  • Manuscripts are peer reviewed using the double-blinded review system by at
    least 3 reviewers before acceptance. Throughout the peer review process,
    both reviewers and author identities are hidden from each other (double-blind review)
  • The Editorial Board claims a right to review and correct all articles submitted for publishing in Journal of Agriculture
  • The author(s) requires to submit 3 electronic files of the original manuscript as follows:
    File 1 the article in Microsoft Word format
    File 2 the article in pdf format
    File 3 the article submission form (downloadable as instructions for authors)
  • The author(s) can track the article evaluation progress via the ThaiJo 2.0
    user database system, and the author should provide an effective email address
    and telephone number for the benefit of the author so that the editorial team
    can quickly contact the author in case of urgency
  • If the contact has lost for longer than six months, the editorial department will delete the article from ThaiJo 2.0 system in order to continue efficiently and orderly providing the journal