Developing of Home Textile Products from Cotton Fabric dyed with Sappan Wood

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จิราพร ชุมชิต
อดิศักดิ์ เป๊กศรี


This research aims to 1) study on the hues of cotton fabric dyed with Sappan wood and natural mordants and 2) Development of home textile products from application of cotton fabric dyed with Sappan wood and natural mordants. The hues were measures color strength (K/S) on the cotton fabric after dyeing using three methods are 1) pre-mordant method 2) simultaneous mordant method and 3) post-mordant method using natural mordants in the process. Compared to cotton fabric that was dyed only with Sappan wood without any mordants including fabrics that have been dyed repeatedly for 5 times. The product development part was started by considering the variety of fabric hues after dyeing leading to the design and sewing of product prototypes which is used to evaluate the quality from experts and then improve to have a quality product prototype. For data analysis, descriptive statistics were used to analyze the K/S values ​​on cotton dyed under all conditions. It also analyzed the mean ( ) and standard deviation (S.D.) of consumer satisfaction with the product prototype. We found that dyeing cotton fabric with only Sappan wood has brown-orange hue (the average of K/S is 1.17) while using acid mordants (Sompoi pod juice and Tamarin juice) were brown-yellow hue with the highest K/S value of 1.49, the lowest was 0.62 and alkaline mordants (Lime water and Ash water) were purple-pink-red hue with the highest K/S value of 1.18, the lowest was 0.39. The prototype of five pillows were designed using patchwork technique. 50 samples had total satisfaction was 4.17 at a high level. In this regard, the product prototypes were applied to be transferred to the target community enterprises with a workshop on sewing pillows by using cotton fabric dyed with Sappan Wood and natural mordants as a main material. The target group can apply the knowledge gained to the group's products. Both design of the fabric hues selection, principles and methods of tailoring the patchwork technique to have quality and able to extend their product to be demanded in the green market.  

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