Creating a deep learning model for classifying conversation messages from a line application
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This research presents a method for classify text from chat group within the Line application of the Faculty of Science, Ubon Ratchathani University, to notify only certain appropriate messages, which will help reduce the number of notifications and reduce the stress of waiting for answers from experts. The researcher evaluated the method by comparing accuracy, precision, recall, and F-measure against those of five algorithms: Random Forest, Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, Support Vector Classification, and Deep Learning technique name Long Short-Term Memory. From the research results, it was found that the Long Short-Term Memory algorithm has the highest accuracy in text classification at 90.66%, the highest precision when classifying text that is question that experts need to answer, the highest recall when classifying general text, and the highest F-measure when classifying both types of text. The research indicates that this method can be used in other similar chat groups to improve performance in sending notifications.
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