Factors analysis affecting stroke disease revealed using association rules
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The World Stroke Organization (WSO) survey found 20 million people working age and elderly annually were at risk of stroke. Several factors can affect the risk of stroke, including family history, work stress, lifestyle, and diet. These factors can be intensified by living in an ever-changing society and environment. When the symptoms of a stroke (such as blurred vision, hemiplegia, myasthenia gravis, and Bell’s palsy) significantly impact daily life it is crucial to get medical attention. So, it is essential to analyze relevant factors to assist individuals to avoid behaviors that may contribute to the risk of a stroke. This research aims to analyze the risk factors that may yield an opportunity for stroke with association mining rules using the Apriori algorithm. For the experiment, the Apriori algorithm was used to compute and determine the support and confidence values as 0.27 and 0.25, respectively. This research identified the top five factors contributing to stroke: body mass index (BMI), ever-married, work type, heart disease, and age. We then used the gain ratio technique to select features with a gain value of 0.05. The gain ratio algorithm selected the following significant factors: age, body mass index (BMI), ever-married, hypertension, and heart disease, respectively. The experimental results showed that the factors selected using the Gain ratio method were the same as the factors chosen by the Apriori algorithm. Consequently, the five chosen factors significantly impact the cause of stroke.
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