The study of Cavendish Quality Testing with a Non-destructive Method

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Thanachart Sripaurya


This research presents a feasibility study of the NIR Spectral Sensor AS7263 for banana quality testing with analyzing the reflective optical spectrum. The 30 bananas were tested with the fabricated optical reflective NIR portable device.  In this experiment, NIR Spectral Sensor was developed to be a non-destructive testing device of the fruit. The NIR Spectral Sensor Model AS7263 has 6 wavelengths, 610nm, 680nm, 730nm, 760nm, 810nm and 860nm. Each wavelength will provide different reflective intensity values when different banana skin. This reflective value of the different banana can be analyzed and calibrate with the standard Brix refractometer.

        From the experimental results, the spectral values ​​of each wavelength can be classifier the ripeness level of the banana which related to the soluble solids content measured by the Brix refractometer.

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