Manuscript preparation

1. The original version was printed in Thai or English. Each matter must have an abstract in both Thai and English. The use of Thai must adhere to the principles of transliteration of English vocabulary according to the principles of the Royal Institute. Avoid writing English combined with Thai in the text Except in cases of necessity, such as academic terms that have no way of being translated. Or words that are used make it easier to understand. English words written in Thai must use all lowercase letters. Except for the proper name For the original English version The accuracy of the language should be verified by an English language expert first.
2. Original size Use A4 size paper (8.5x11 inches) and print with 1 inch space on each side of the paper, arranged in 2 columns.

3. Type of font size Both Thai and English use the Browallia New font.
3.1 The title must be bolded in font size 18 pt.

3.2 The name of the author uses normal font size 16 pt.

3.3 Main topic uses font size 16 pt. Bold.

3.4 Subheadings use a font size of 14 pt. Bold.

3.5 Abstract and contents use thin font size 14 pt. (The abstract should consist of 5 parts: 1) the origin of the research problem, 2) the objectives of the research, 3) a brief but detailed study method, 4) the research results, 5) a conclusion and guidelines for use.)

3.6 A footnote on the first page details the name of the academic position. and the author's address, use 12 pt. thin font and include Corresponding author

4. original printing The proposer must print and submit the manuscript in the following file format. Either ".doc" (MS Word) or ".rft" (Rich Text).

5. Number of pages: The length of the article should not exceed 12 pages, including tables, images, and references.

6. The format for writing manuscripts is divided into 2 types: articles reporting research results or research articles (research articles) and articles from reviewing research documents that others have made. or academic articles or general articles or review articles
Preparing articles for submission online through the ThaiJo system. You can see the details at

If the formatting is incorrect, the journal will return it to the author for correction. before submitting to experts for consideration This may delay the publication process.