Recommendation system Khao Kho Natural Tourism by Ontology

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ฐิณาภัณฑ์ นิธิยุวิทย์


This research aims 1) to study and collect the data sources of ecotourism in Khao Kho district area, Phetchabun province 2) to develop the recommendation system of ecotourism in Khao Kho district area, Phetchabun province using ontology and 3) to assess performance of the recommendation system of ecotourism in Khao Kho district area, Phetchabun province using ontology. The research process was divided 3 parts 1) collect ecotourism knowledge from websites and knowledgeable persons 2) develop the recommendation system consist of ontology knowledge base, Relationship database management system (RDBMS) by MySQL, SPARQL command for querying ontology, Python and PHP for web application development and 3) assess the performance of recommendation system using precision, recall and F-measure and user satisfaction assessment.The result of research found that the ontology knowledgebase has 3 levels 18 nodes and 6 rules engine. The performance assessment of recommendation system was F-measure 89.7% and user satisfaction overall was at high level (4.48 ± 0.53).

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