การเปลี่ยนแปลงของสารทุติยภูมิในระหว่างการพัฒนาของกลีบเลี้ยงกระเจี๊ยบแดง (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.)
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Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) is one of the medicinal plants in which the calyces are used for the treatment of various diseases. In order to determine the suitable harvesting time for medicinal purposes, calyx development and changes in secondary metabolites of the calyx during development were examined. Two accessions of dark red and orange-red calyx roselle, HS005 and HS013, respectively, were cultivated. The full bloomed flowers were tagged daily and the calyces were harvested at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 days after flowering (DAF). Results showed that calyx of both accessions rapidly developed during 5 to 20 DAF then only slight changes occurred. The contents of secondary metabolites in HS005 were higher than those in HS013, however, secondary metabolite changes during calyx development exhibited a similar pattern in both accessions. Total anthocyanin content was high at 5 DAF then gradually declined. The contents of total phenolic and total flavonoid continuously increased and the highest contents of both secondary metabolites were obtained at 30 DAF. DPPH radical scavenging capacities were not significantly different among the treatments. Based on these results, the appropriate time to harvest calyx for medicinal used was 30 DAF.
Keywords: calyx; roselle; anthocyanin; phenolic; flavonoid; DPPH radical scavenging capacity
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