How do farmers' groups and cooperatives support smallholder farmers? A Case of Eastern Bhutan

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Tashi Dendup
Karma Wangmo
Satit Aditto


The number of registered farmers' groups (FGs) and cooperatives (Coops) increases yearly in Bhutan. However, the benefits of these collective actions are under-researched, particularly in Eastern Bhutan. Thus, we endeavored this research to assess FGs and Coops' benefits covering the six districts of Eastern Bhutan. Data for this study came from interviewing 301 members of FGs and Coops. Our results show that FGs and Coops moderately benefited in terms of economic, human resource development, inputs and infrastructure access, and socio-culture. We discussed these benefits with a few challenges, with examples and evidence wherever possible. The study findings are useful for promoters of FGs and Coops in Bhutan and other developing countries.

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