Effects of combined FGD gypsum and chemical fertilizer application based on soil analysis on peanut growth and yield
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Effective macronutrient management, informed by soil analysis results and crop requirements, is crucial for enabling farmers to sustainably reduce costs and improve yields. Additionally, the use of soil amendments containing secondary macronutrients, such as gypsum or dolomite, has been recognized for its potential to enhance yield quality. This study examined the effects of integrating flue gas desulfurization gypsum (FGD gypsum) with chemical fertilizer, based on soil analysis results (CFSA), on the production of Peanut cv. Tainan 9. The experiment utilized a 3x5 factorial design within a randomized complete block, comprising three replications. The treatments included three FGD gypsum rates: Control (NFGD), 250 kg/rai (FGD1), and 500 kg/rai (FGD2), along with five chemical fertilizer management practices: Control (NCF), 0.5 CFSA (1-10-5, 5 kg 1stUrea-DAP-MOP, 2ndUrea/rai), CFSA (2-20-10, 10 kg 1stUrea-DAP-MOP, 2ndUrea/rai), 2 times CFSA (4-40-20, 20 kg 1stUrea-DAP-MOP, 2ndUrea/rai), and chemical fertilizer as recommended by the Department of Agricultural Extension (CFDOAE) (12-24-12 fertilizer 50 kg/rai). The study found that FGD gypsum significantly increased the number of pods and seeds per plant, as well as the percentage of filled pods, thereby boosting both dry pod and seed yields. Fertilizer management practices significantly influenced plant growth, yield, and yield components. The 2 CFSA treatment led to the maximum plant height at 60 and 90 days, the highest top dry weight, and the greatest percentage of filled pods. CFSA resulted in the highest number of pods and seeds per plant. CFDOAE achieved the highest pod yield, while CFSA produced the maximum seed yield. No interaction was observed between the rates of FGD gypsum and fertilizer practices in terms of their impact on peanut growth and yield. Applying FGD gypsum and CFSA individually improved economic returns, with their combination optimizing yield and profits, demonstrating the effectiveness of integrated fertilizer management.
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