Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • Please upload
    1) Registration form in PDF file
    2) Manuscript in MS word file
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Guide for Authors

     The submitted Manuscripts should be of high academic merit and are accepted on condition that they are contributed solely to the Maejo Journal of Agricultural Production. Submission of a multi-authored manuscript implies the consent of all the participating authors. All manuscripts considered for publication will be subjected to a process of double-blinded peer-review by at least 3 independent referees and Article Processing Charge (APC) is charged to the authors before the reviewing step.


Submission checklist

     Manuscript submission must include title page, abstract, keywords, text, tables, figures, acknowledgements, reference list and appendices (if necessary). For a title page section, a title of the article, a list of author, affiliations and E-mail address for corresponding author need to be provided. The total manuscript should not exceed 10 pages.


Preparation of the manuscript

     All manuscript submission for publication in the journal should followed the following guidelines:

  1. Manuscript texts must be written using high-quality language. For non-native English language authors, the article should be proof-read by a language specialist before submission.
  2. The manuscript text, tables and figures should be created using Microsoft Word.
  3.  If possible, all text throughout the manuscript should be used 15 pt ~TH SarabunPSK except a title using 16-pt, otherwise, Browallia new would be replaced.
  4. Manuscript texts should be prepared as a single column, with a sufficient margin (2.5 centimeters for each side).
  5. Abstract should not exceed 300 words and provide only 4 keywords for each manuscript
  6. All measurement in the text should be reported in abbreviation, using metric system.
  7. Each Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively.
  8. Acknowledgments should be as brief as possible, in a separate section before the references.
  9. In-text citation should be given in the form of author and year in parentheses; (Pawin et al., 2012) or if the author’s name is a part of sentence, it should be followed by the year in parentheses; Pawin et al. (2012). All references mentioned in the reference list must be cited in the text, and vice versa.
  10. The reference list at the end of the manuscript should be listed alphabetically. The following are examples of reference format.
  11. For any Thai references, they need to be translated to English and added [in Thai] at the end.


Academic journal:

Shternshi, M., O. Tomilova, T. Shpatova and K. Soytong. 2005. Evaluation of ketomium-mycofungicide
          on Siberian isolates of phytopathogenic fungi. Journal of Agricultural Technology 1(2): 247-253.

Books/ Textbook:

Steel, R.G.D., J.H. Torrie, and D.A. Dickie. 1997. Principal and procedures of atatisticabiometric
          approach. 3rd Editon. McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, Toronto.

Section in Books with Editors:

Kubo, T. 2003. Molecular analysis of the honeybee socially. pp. 3-20. In: T. Kikuchi, N. Azuma and S.
          Higashi (eds.). Gene, Behaviors and Evolution of Social Insects. Hokkaido University Press.


Chantrachit, T. 1994. Anaerobic conditions and off-flavor development in ripening banana
          (Carvendishii spp.). M.S. Thesis in Horticulture, Oregon State Universtiy.

Proceeding/ Conference:

Yamagishi, Y., H. Mitamura, N. Arai, Y. Mitsunaga, Y. Kawabata, M. Khachapicha, and T. Viputhamumas.
          2005. Feeding habits of hatchery-reared young Mekong giant catfish in fish pond and Mae
          Peum reservoir. Precedding of the 2nd Internationl Symposium on SEASTAR 2000 and Asian
          Bio-Logging Science. Kyoto, Japan. pp. 17-22.


Linardakis, D.K. and B.I. Manois. 2005. Hydroponics culture of strawberries in Perlite. Available:
          http://www.schunder.com/strawberries.html (April 21, 2005.)

Annual report:

Khush, G. S. 1989. Multiple disease and insect resistance for increased yield stability in rice. pp. 79-92.
          In Progress in irrigated rice research. Manila: International Rice Research Institute.


Online Submission            

  1. Please register and log in to the ThaiJo system https://li01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/japmju
  2. Please upload the file as follows
    • Registration form (JAP 01): the authors must fill out the form completely.
    • Manuscript in .doc or .docx file type
    • (if any) Research ethics approval for human and/or animal testing


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Email                      jap@mju.ac.th

