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พัชรี แสนจันทร์
ดวงสมร เตจา
ฮิเดโนริ วาดะ


Decomposition of organic fertilizer was examined by addition of metal compound. Partially humified buffalo dung (BD) was tested as it is a popular soil amendment in tropical region. Metal compounds used were polyhydroxy Al chloride (PAC), Al, chloride (PAC), AICI3 และ FeSO4 7H2O  Mixture of BD and metal compound was incubated under aerobic condition. At appropriate period, carbon dioxide emitted from BD, amount of Al and Fe, pH and optical density in HCI-BD extract and fractionation of metal organic substances in KCl and water extract were analyzed. The results showed that addition of metal compound slightly decreased decomposition of BD through formation of metal organic complexes. The added Al and Fe ions were expected to exist in form of polyhydroxy Al and Fe mainly combined with humic substances to BD

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