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Benjavan Rerkasem
D. A. Saunders
B. Dell


Failure in grain set, in up to 100% of the florets, was frequently observed in the Thailand Yield Nurseries (TYNs), Thailand Observation Nurseries (TONs) and other wheat experiments in Thailand in the 1986/87 growing season. At Chiangmai University in 1987/88 the poor grain set in wheat depressed seed yield by 40-50% on Tropaqualf soils with low boron (0.08-0.12 mgB / kg). An application of borax increased the number of grains per spikelet by 37 to 107%. Wheat growing in the low boron soils exhibited symptoms of male sterility, which included poorly developed anthers and nonviable pollen grains. Grain set failure, lower seed yield and male sterility symptoms were associated with low boron concentrations in the flag leaf, 5-6 mgB / kg at booting and 5-7 mgB / kg at anthesis, compared with 12-13 mgB / kg at booting and 11-16 mgB / kg at anthesis in unaffected crops. Boron concentrations in the flag leaf at anthesis were determined for 13 sites in Northern and Northeastern Thailand from the 1987/88 TYNs and found to range from 4-6 mgB / kg at 10 of the sites. These data suggested a potential for widespread boron deficiency in wheat in Thailand.

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