
Faculty of Agriculture, Chiang Mai University



Issue 1   January-April

Issue 2   May-August

Issue 3   September-December


To disseminate academic knowledge in agriculture and related fields

Editorial Policy

1. Manuscripts submitted to the Journal should be original research, review article, or academic article in Agriculture and related fields

2. All submissions must be original research not previously published or simultaneously submitted for publication

Selection criteria

1. The manuscript that does not follow the guideline will not be accepted

2. Manuscripts are peer reviewed using the double-blinded review system by at least 3 reviewers before acceptance. Throughout the peer review process, both reviewers and author identities are hidden from each other (double-blind review)

3. The Editorial Board claims a right to review and correct all articles submitted for publishing in Journal of Agriculture

4. If the contact has lost for longer than six months, the editorial department will delete the article from ThaiJo 2.0 system in order to efficiently and orderly continue the journal

5. The author(s) can request adding or removing the author's name to the article from the Agricultural Journal. If the author intends to change the name of the first author or the corresponding author, the author can do so (eligible for changing the authors within the article only, cannot add or change the author's name other than the one shown in the original article). However, the change can only be made during the review process. Once the article is accepted, it cannot be changed.

Published Language

1. Thai

2. English