Detection of Differential Gene Expression in Bracts of Curcuma petiolata Roxb. by DDRT-PCR Technique

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Thippawan Chaipar
Soraya Ruamrungsri
Weenun Bundithya


Curcuma petiolata Roxb. has been assigned into subgenera of Eucurcuma. Morphological characteristics of Curcuma sp. such as flower color, inflorescence length, as well as the proportion of bract color between upper coma bracts and lower bracts are not easily differentiated. In this study, DDRT-PCR was used to determine the differential gene expression in 2 groups of C. petiolata Roxb. with different inflorescence characters. Young leaves, bracts and coma bracts at the pre-blooming, flowering and first floret blooming stage were used for RNA extraction, and later reversed into cDNA. Fifty eight primers were screened for analysis of differential gene expression. It was found that 2 primers, OPD 08 and OPD 20, with oligo dT12VA were able to amplify DNA specific to C. petiolata Roxb. with different color proportions.

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