Characteristics of a needle free drug delivery by using impact driven method

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Prachya Mukda


At present, animal drug delivery using an injection device is a process involving a pressing force from a syringe directed through a syringe needle into the subcutaneous layer. However, there are disadvantages for drug action efficiency and time consuming injection. Therefore, this research aims to study the feasibility of application of the animal injection device using a new concept involving a high speed liquid jet with impact driven method. It delivered a high speed liquid jet penetrating through the skin without the use of a needle. The volume of liquid in the nozzle was 2 ml in experiments to compare the characteristics using the driving object method (distance 0 mm) and impact driven method (impact distances are 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 and 17 mm). The characteristics such as, impact force of power source, average jet velocity, impact pressure of the jet, jet power and the behavior of jet were examined using a high-speed video camera. The results showed that, the impact distance increased, the impact force value of the power source increased, which an impact distance of 17 mm gave a maximum impact force of 475 N. The average velocity and the impact pressure of the jet are compared. An impact distance of 11 mm gave the maximum value of the average velocity and the impact pressure of jet to be 62 m/s and 2.28 MPa, respectively. Subsequently, the values of the impact distance were reduced to 13, 15 and 17 mm. The impact jet pressure value of the driving object method (distance 0 mm), and the level of impact jet pressure values was lower than the standard value such that it could not penetrate through the skin. Impact distances of 5, 7, 9, 11,13, 15 and 17 mm provided a high enough impact jet pressure to penetrate the skin.

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