Fast synthesis of the minority class using generative adversarial networks for imbalanced data classification problems

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Walisa Romsaiyud


Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are a class of deep neural networks that can be used to generate data examples in imbalanced data situations. GANs consist of two simultaneously trained modes: generative and discriminative modeling. The generative model generates new data as random noise from the training dataset, and the discriminator model distinguishes examples from generated new data and real data. We study the overlapping data transfer during a generating model in distributed real-time data streaming. This paper proposed a new extension method on GANs called GANs2T based on time series function and tabular data to improve the model and run time performance. We use this technique to capture the covariance structure of the minority class and to generate synthetic samples along the probability contours for learning algorithms on streaming data. The experimental testing is performed on binary-class and multi-class imbalanced learning methods from several benchmark datasets. The results validate GANs2T with the XGBoost algorithm for the overall accuracy = 84.93% and average training time(s) = 60.20.

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