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เตือนใจ ปิยัง
กัตตินาฏ สกุลสวัสดิพันธ์
อเนก สาวะอินทร์


The object of this research was to determine the effects of palm oil fuel ash as cement substitution on flooring paving slabs (size 11.3 × 19.5 × 6.0 cm.) properties. The palm oil fuel ash is a byproduct from palm oil industry. The experiment consisted of 6 treatments which were different palm oil fuel ash ration: 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 percent by weight. The results showed that properties of cement flooring paving slabs e.g. size and weight of all rations were similar. Water absorption percentage of the palm oil fuel ash concrete mixtures were higher.  The results showed that the replacing cement with palm oil fuel ash content decrease the cost of cement flooring paving slabs. When replacing cement with palm oil ash at a ratio of 10 percent the cost of production was that of using cement alone.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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