Diversity of Bio-oil Freshwater Microalgae in Satuek District, Buri Ram Province ความหลากหลายของสาหร่ายน้ำจืดขนาดเล็กผลิตน้ำมันในอำเภอสตึก จังหวัดบุรีรัมย์

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Wilaiwan Manamthiang
Watcharee Kunyalung
Bungorn Thaewnon-ngiw


Nowadays, there are increasing energy consumption, especially energy from oil. According to the search of renewable energy sources, there are found that freshwater microalgae have the potential to produce oil more cost-effective than many oil plants do. The aims of this research were to study the diversity of freshwater microalgae, examine freshwater microalgae for bio-oil production by Nile Red Staining technique and compare them with the results of previous research. The collection of microalgae used a 10 micrometer plankton net from water sources in Satuek district, Buri Ram province. The results found that diversity of microalgae could be classified into 5 divisions, 22 families, 47 genus, 71 species. There were 15 species of microalgae that can produce bio-oil, most of them were Chlorophyta division. The tests of bio-oil production among the 3 microalgae; namely, Botryococcus braunii, Scenedesmus acuminatus and Chlorella sp. found that B. braunii produced the highest amount of oil because almost full of its cells had yellow glow. This microalgae were found at the stations of number 3, 7, 8 and 12; which were Ban Nong Nam Khun, Ron Thong Subdistrict, Ban Sakor Sai and Ban Talat, Nikom Subdistrict, and Ban Sakae, Sakae Subdistrict, respectively. The most diverse species of microalgae for bio-oil production were found at the station of number 12. The data of microalgae for bio-oil production from this research are new data to be used as an alternative energy source.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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