The Development of Splitting Flesh and Fibers Palmyra Fruit Machine การพัฒนาเครื่องแยกเนื้อและเส้นใยผลตาลโตนด

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Worapong Boonchouytan
Chatree Homkhiew
Watthanaphon Cheewawuttipong


The objective of this research was to obtain a prototype of splitting flesh and fiber separator from palm fruit machine. The prototype consisted of the chassis set, the palm fiber pulling set, and the spinning cylinder splitting flesh of Palmyra fruit set. Experimental factors consisted of 3 rotation speeds: 150, 250, and 350 rpm, and 3 grades of ripe palmyra fruit weights: 5, 10 and 15 kg. The amount of water used was 15 liters and the rotation time was 20 minutes. The results showed that using the splitting flesh of Palmyra fruit at 350 rpm and 15 kg of ripe palmyra fruit weight got the weight of 6.757 kg, which was the highest weight of the fruit gained in the experiment. In separating the palmyra fruit fibers, it was found that within 5 minutes, an average of 0.571 kg of fruit fiber was extracted. When comparing the efficiency of palmyra fruit separation between human labor and machine, it was found that the machines were 92.85 percent more efficient than human labor. In addition, the statistical analysis found that the main factor had the same effect as the contributing factor on the weight of the ripe palmyra fruit at the confidence level of 95% (α) = 0.05.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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