The Production Conditions of Nata from Banana Syrup by Acetobacter sp. TISTR 1014 สภาวะการผลิตวุ้นสวรรค์จากไซรัปกล้วยน้ำว้า โดย Acetobecter sp. TISTR 1014

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Adisara Tantasuttikul


Bananas (Musa sapientum L.) are very productive in Thailand. In the ripening period of bananas, the flesh is soft and will begin to rot within 2-3 days. In this period, the sugar content in the banana is very high; therefore, the overripe banana is utilized to produce banana syrup. In addition, the utilization of syrup extends to produce cellulose or Nata by Acetobacter sp. TISTR 1014. This research studied total dissolved solids (11, 18, and 26 °Brix) that affected microbial growth and cellulose production. The results found that the growth conditions of Acetobacter sp. TISTR 1014 was 11 °Brix under pH 4.2, ammonium sulfate 0.5% (m/v) and the concentration of the initial inoculum was 10% (v/v). The fermentation period was 7 days at 30°C, which is the highest quality of cellulose production. The thickness was 1.13±0.15 cm. L* was 52.16±0.02, a* was -3.16±0.05 and b* was 0.42±0.29. The chewiness of total dissolved solids at 11 °Brix was highest significantly (p ≤ 0.05). Therefore, the utilization of syrup extends to produce cellulose. Cellulose can be used as an ingredient in many kinds of food such as dessert, yogurt, and ice cream, which is an alternative to add value to the overripe bananas.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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