Diversity of Macrobenthic Fauna and its Relationship with Environmental Factors in the Yom River ความหลากหลายของสัตว์หน้าดินขนาดใหญ่และความสัมพันธ์ต่อปัจจัยสิ่งแวดล้อมในแม่น้ำยม

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Pathipat Sanpapao
Supat Ponza
Wittaya Tawong
Pawinee Phongchaisit
Piyawat Pongpadung


Studies on the diversity of macrobenthic fauna and environmental factors were carried out to assess the quality of water resources and investigate the correlation of environmental factors with macrobenthic fauna in the Yom River. The field surveys were conducted at 16 sampling stations. Samples were collected in the winter season (January 2018), summer season (April 2018), and the rainy season (July 2018). The results showed that forty-seven families from 3 phyla of macrobenthic fauna were identified. The dominant benthic fauna group were Unionidae (10.67%) Viviparidae (10.46%) Chironomidae (8.22%) and Tubificidae (7.44%). The Shannon-Wiener diversity index Magalef index and Evenness index were 2.07±0.07, 0.67±0.09, and 1.87±0.09, respectively. Canonical correspondence analysis revealed that Diptera, Haplotaxida, and Lumbriculida showed a positive correlation with some parameters such as pH, water temperature, turbidity, BOD, chlorophyll a, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and total organic matter, while Hemiptera, Odonata, Decapoda, Trichoptera, and Ephemeroptera showed the positive correlation with total dissolved solids, conductivity, alkalinity and transparency. After assessing the water quality using the ASPT value (mean value of 5.11±0.85) and comparing it with the standard index of surface water quality, it was concluded that water quality reached mesotrophic status and surface water quality CLASS 3. These results can be beneficial in monitoring water quality and controlling effluents from various activities to conserve the water resources in the Yom River.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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