Measurement of Terminal Velocity of Various Falling Spherical Metal Balls in Glycerin Using Timer Detectors Controlled by Computer

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Aphinrat Khanklaeo
Mananchai Chaipet
Wiraya Langlee
Pitchaya Thipsee


This research investigated the relationship between terminal velocity and radius squared of a free falling spherical metal in glycerin. The timer detectors were set along the moving path of the falling ball and sent the signals to the computer for evaluation and display output. Each sphere metal of 6 different radii was dropped in a rectangular storage container filled with glycerin. The terminal velocity of the spherical metal increases with the increasing radius of the spherical metal when taking the terminal velocity to calculate the expected velocity then take the expected velocity to find the relationship between the expected velocity and the radius squared according to the equation gif.latex?\dpi{100}&space;v_{exp}&space;=&space;11159.4r^{2}&space;+&space;0.554615 and gif.latex?\dpi{100}&space;R^{2}&space;=&space;0.997702 which corresponds to the equation under Stokes' law. 9\eta This result shows that this technique can be an alternative way to measure terminal velocity in glycerin for studying the motion of spherical metal balls in liquid.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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