Effect of Zinc Foliar Application on Yield and Zinc Concentration of Galangal

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Anan Piriyaphattarakit
Patcharee Dechlay
Ponkamon Ruplort
Punyaphat Pholphim


A nutritious eating is important for all ages. The body should get enough nutrients to meet its needs, but most people eat unhealthy foods such as instant foods at risk of zinc deficiency. The objective of this research was to study the accumulation of zinc in galangal. The experiment used randomized complete block design (RCBD) with 5 treatments and 5 replications. The treatments were consisted of non-zinc applied (control) and zinc foliar applied concentration at a rate 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, and 10.0 grams per litre. The young galangal products were collected at 6 months and old galangal at 12 months. The results showed that the rate of zinc supplementation increased galangal growth and yield compared with the control. In the amount of zinc, young and old galangal given zinc supplementation at the concentration of 10 grams per litre had the highest zinc accumulation rate of 131.87 and 96.87 milligram per kilometer. The fresh weight yield showed that young galangal supplemented with zinc 7.5 grams per litre had the highest fresh weight yield of 903.00 grams, and old galangal (control) had the fresh weight yield of 1057.25 grams. The dry weight content of young and old galangal (controls) had the highest zinc accumulation rates of 80.84 and 152.33 grams. Therefore, the optimum foliar spraying rate of zinc in both quantities, fresh weight yield and zinc accumulation in young galangal, was 7.5 grams per litre.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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