The Ability of PM10 Capture on Leaf in 4 Species of the Genus Ocimum L.

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Mattanaporn Maikami
Pensiri Paijit


Airborne Particulate Matter (PM) that exceeds standard is a severe problem affecting health of the population. Plants have the ability to capture particulate matter in the air; however, leaves with a rough leaf surface structure has higher efficiency in adsorbing the particulate matter than those with a smooth leaf surface structure. The plants in the genus Ocimum, which are the popular home-grown vegetables for Thai people, shows a high ability to adsorb the particulate matter in the air. Their leaves consist of both trichome and gland at the surface which are efficient in capturing particulate matter. Therefore, species of Ocimum, namely Lemon Basil (Ocimum × africanum Lour.), Sweet Basil (O. basilicum L.), Tree Basil (O. gratissimum L.) and Holy Basil (O. tenuiflorum L.) are investigated to study leaf shape, leaf size, trichome and stomata on the capturing efficiency of particulate matter of a diameter less than 10 micrometer (PM10). The results suggested that lemon basil and holy basil had higher abilities to capture PM10 than the other 2 species. The large stomata size and the long trichome of lemon basil resulted in the higher efficiency of PM10 adsorbing ability. There was no difference in volatile oil gland density among the four species of Ocimum. It is worth to note that leaf arrangement, plant habitat and plant canopy are also affected the particulate matter adsorbing ability of the plants.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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