The Study on Developmental Biology of Truncate-snouted Burrowing Frog (Glyphoglossus molossus Günther, 1869) for Rearing System Model

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Krailerk Taweechue
Wuttichai Ritti
Boonsanong Chuaykaew
Sumitahnun Chunthaburee
Damrongsak Arlai
Yanaphat Promprasith


The truncate-snouted burrowing frog (Glyphoglossus molossus Günther, 1869) plays an important role in the ecosystem and food source for humans. However, their number is decreasing due to over-harvest and severe habitat loss. However, the biological report of this animal species has been little known. The aims of this research were to study the developmental biology of the embryo, tadpole, and froglet stages. The obtained data from this research were needed for rearing this animal under the simulated natural condition and applying it as an economic animal. The results showed that adult male and female breeding could be accomplished in captivity. Embryo development followed the normal process of amphibian development. Embryo developed and hatched from the membrane into the tadpole stage within 24 hours after fertilization. The truncate-snouted burrowing frog tadpoles showed unique colors and shape. They took about 25-30 days to develop into a froglet stage. The early froglets were approximately 1 centimeter long. The skin was dark brown with individual unique light brown stripes on their bodies. The body weight mean of 100 individuals was 0.19 grams and increased to 4.14, 11.10, 22.00 and 23.62 grams at 45, 90, 135 and 180 days of age, representing a statistically significant difference in weight gain (p < 0.05). The study could be further applied in rearing the truncate-snouted burrowing frog for consumption or commercial uses.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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