Genetic Diversity of the Parah Tree (Elateriospermum tapos) in Primitive Forests and Planted Forests in Khao Nan National Park, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, Analyzed from Nucleotide Sequences from the MaturaseK Gene in Chloroplast DNA

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Worawitoo Meesook
Verakiat Supmee
Phatthanaporn Rinthajak
Juthamas Suppapan


The parah tree (Elateriospermum tapos) is a species of wild and local economic plant that spreads in the south of Thailand. Khao Nan National Park has a large parah forest area where parah seeds from the primitive forest are now being used for planting. Therefore, genetic traits should be examined as for the information in the management of planting forests. This study aimed to analyze the genetic diversity of parah trees in primitive forests and forests planted in Khao Nan National Park. It was analyzed from nucleotide sequences from the maturaseK gene in a 772 based pairs of DNA chloroplasts. The findings indicated that parah trees in primitive forests have a higher genetic diversity than parahs in planted forests. We found a separation of two population groups: parah trees from primitive forests and parah trees from planted forests. We also found a tendency to separate the evolutionary line of parah trees in planted forests from parah trees in primitive forests. Based on the results of this study, we suggest that genetic management should be managed separately between parah trees from primitive forests and parah trees from planted forests to avoid genetic contamination.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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