The Study of Optimum Conditions for Hot Air Drying of Spirogyra sp. Using Response Surface
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The aim of this research was to optimize the drying process of Spirogyra sp. undergoing a laboratory-scale
hot air drying from 8 . 5 5.0.20 gwater gdry matter- 1 to gwater gdry matter- 1 . Response surface methodology (RSM) was used to determine the optimized conditions of drying of Spirogyra sp. for a minimum total color difference (TCD) while maximing total phenolic content, antioxidant activity of scavenging activity of ABTS radical and DPPH radical. Optimization factors were air temperature (60-75.C), air velocity (1.0-2.0 m s- 1 ) and layer thickness (0.2-0.4 mm). By using the RSM technique found that the most ideal conditions for hot air drying of Spirogyra sp. was a temperature of 69.57.C with an air velocity of 1.60 m s- 1 and material thickness of 3.05 mm. These conditions produced a total color difference value of 16.92, a total phenolic content equal to 2,502.02 mg GAE 100 gdry matter-1, an antioxidant activity of scavenging activity of ABTS radical and DPPH radical value of 2,017.40 and 3,722.50 mg TEAC 100 gdry matter-1, respectively.
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Thai Socities of Agricultural Engineering
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