The Study of Ratchaburi Water Situation for Water Shortage Mitigation Planning

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Yutthana Talaluxmana


Due to the climate change, rainfall quantity was varied. This let available water inconsistency, especially, drought was a serious problem. Moreover, there are many organizations which work on water resources development as well as central, provincial and local administration. So water resources development is fragmentation, problem is not solved and that is not served any requirement. This research was done in Ratchaburi province, the water resources development projects, both constructed and planned, were collected and water status was studied. These were analyzed as integrated water resources planning. The water situation and water use indexes were estimated. It was founded that the water storage and average runoff ratio was 9.02% only. While, the whole water requirement was more 100% than natural runoff. But the Ratchaburi topography is not suitable for large scale water resources development project. So, developed small scale projects and integrated water resources management should be taken for water shortage mitigation.

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Soil and water engineering


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