Development of a Double-Die Organic Fertilizer Pelleting Machine

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Phisamas Hwangdee


This research aims to study a development and modify of the conventional two pelleting die organic fertilizer compression machine. When changed the power transmission to pelleting die from walking tractor to differential for obtain the high torque. The driving power was given by an electric motor of 2.2 kW (3 Hp), 2 pelleting die with speed control of 110 rpm, diameter of cylinder compression was 254 mm with the hole size of the pelleting die 5 mm. The diameter of rollers was 65 mm. The speed of raw material for feeding into the pelleting die of 25 rpm. It was found that the development of two pelleting die organic fertilizer compression machine that can deliver high compression capacity at more than double the speed of conventional two pelleting die organic fertilizer compression machine. When the average compression capacity of the machine was 471.20 kg h-1 with bulk density of 745.40 kg m-3. Moreover, the percentage of durability of pelleted and broken pelleted were about 91.73 % and 8.27 % respectively

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How to Cite
Hwangdee, P. (2016). Development of a Double-Die Organic Fertilizer Pelleting Machine. วารสารสมาคมวิศวกรรมเกษตรแห่งประเทศไทย, 21(2). สืบค้น จาก
Power and machinery


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