Integrated Water Management in Phetchaburi River Basin

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Yutthana Talaluxmana


The relationship between annual rainfall and minimum storage of Kaengkachan reservoir without water shortage was developed. It was constructed base on Kaengkachan reservoir operation rule curve. This relationship was developed for water resources assessment and water management planning of Phetchaburi river basin, when the next year rainfall was predicted. The water shortage probability due to less rainfall than prediction was also estimated to show risk of water shortage. To decrease shortage risk, water allocation among water use sectors should be in equitable manner at the same proportion. This should decrease conflict between water use sectors. The study output could be used for decision making of water resources management planning. Besides, it found that water management, base on static rule curve, let insufficient water use. So the operation rule curve of Kaengkachan reservoir should be revised to be dynamic rule curve for consistency with the present situation.

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How to Cite
Talaluxmana, Y. (2016). Integrated Water Management in Phetchaburi River Basin. วารสารสมาคมวิศวกรรมเกษตรแห่งประเทศไทย, 20(2). สืบค้น จาก
Soil and water engineering


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