A Study of Sediment Transport in Pasak River Using MIKE21 Model

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Autthaporn Puangpiw


The purpose of this study is to simulate the hydrodynamic and sediment transport conditions in Pasak river between a downstream portion of Rama XI dam and a confluence of Chao Phraya river by an application of MIKE21-HD/ST model. First, observed data of river cross section, discharge, water level, and sediment in Pasak river were collected during year 2013-2014. The result of calibration and verification of MIKE21-HD along Pasak river found that the Manning’n roughness coefficient for the whole river is equal to 0.0286, which gave the calculated water level close to the observed values at Nakhon Luang station. It provides statistical index of R and RMSE equal to 0.85 and 0.17 m, respectively. The MIKE21-ST in conjugate with MIKE21-HD models were calibrated using steady state condition in the range of discharge between 100 to 750 m^3/s and measured soil sediment in four places along the river. It found that the average grain size was around 0.12 mm, unit weight of sediment equal to 2,650 kg/m^3, average porosity equal to 0.4 , and settling velocity equal to 0.0109 m/s. The calibration results showed that the rate of bed level change has a sedimentation rate in the range of 0.66 to 0.95 m/yr and the sedimentation rate is directly proportional to the flow rate which corresponds to the results analyzed by the physical model. Finally, MIKE21-HD/ST model was applied to analyze the annual sedimentation rate during year 2007-2012 by dividing into two case studies namely 1) steady flow boundary condition and 2) unsteady flow boundary condition. The result showed that case 1 the average annual sedimentation rate is around 0.76 m/yr while case 2 the average rate is around 0.22 m/yr. It will be seen that the sedimentation rate of steady flow is more than unsteady flow conditions on average approximately 29% . Since unsteady flow model simulation is more similar to the real flow condition in Pasak river. However, sedimentation rate obtained from mathematical models are significantly higher than the actual because of sediment load input to the model was an average throughout the river. In the fact that sediment load varies unequal both in each month and section of the river. 

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How to Cite
Puangpiw, A. (2016). A Study of Sediment Transport in Pasak River Using MIKE21 Model. วารสารสมาคมวิศวกรรมเกษตรแห่งประเทศไทย, 21(1). สืบค้น จาก https://li01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/TSAEJ/article/view/69237
Soil and water engineering


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