Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure and Vacuum on characteristics of century egg.

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Benjawan Vanmontree
Tawarat Treeamnuk
Krawee Treeamnuk


The objective of this research was to studies on internal changing of century egg in production process under high pressure conditions. The samples of duck egg that used in century egg production were soaked in alkali solution at pressure conditions of 1, 2, 3 and 4 bars. The samples of egg were random to evaluate internal change of physical and chemical properties in term of percent weight increase, specific gravity, hardness of albumen, pH of albumen and yolk, and visible changing with image analysis every 2 days until 12 days. The results of studies indicate that percent of weight increase, specific gravity, pH of albumen and yolk are increase when pressure and time of soaking increase, but in contrast to the hardness of albumen. The soaking time affect to change the color of albumen from transparent gel to dark brown every pressure. In addition, the eggs that soaking in alkaline at 2 bars for 6 days were suitable for produce century egg.

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Post-harvest and food engineering


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