Genetic variability of yield, yield components and agronomic traits of commercial waxy corn hybrids in Thailand

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Layang Naw Ja
Sompong Chankaew
Jirawat Sanitchon
Kamol Lertrat
Bhalang Suriharn


The information on genetic variability of commercial waxy corn hybrids is important for determining breeding objectives and breeding methods. The objectives of this study were to evaluate yield, yield components and agronomic traits of the commercial hybrids and estimate the correlation coefficients among the studied traits. Ten waxy corn hybrids were evaluated in a randomized complete block design with three replications in the dry season 2017/2018. The waxy corn hybrids were significantly different for all traits. A large variation among genotypes was found for yields and moderate variations were recorded for ear weight and ear height, whereas the variations of days to silk, days to tasseling and plant height were low.In general, the high-yielding group and moderate-yielding group had similar ear length, ear diameter, days to silk, days to tassel, plant height and ear height. Both groups were significantly higher than the low-yielding group for these traits. Unhusk yield and husked yield were significantly correlated ear length (0.41* and 0.44*, respectively, P≤0.05). The variations of yield, yield components and agronomic traits of the waxy corn hybrids indicated that the genetic base of waxy corn hybrids in Thailand was not narrow for long-term breeding and sustainable production.

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How to Cite
Naw Ja, L., Chankaew, S., Sanitchon, J., Lertrat, K. ., & Suriharn, B. (2019). Genetic variability of yield, yield components and agronomic traits of commercial waxy corn hybrids in Thailand. วารสารแก่นเกษตร, 47(3), 509–518. สืบค้น จาก
บทความวิจัย (research article)


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