Effect of Lactobacillus paracasei Inoculation at Different Level on Fermentation Quality and Chemical Composition of Ensiled Total Mixed Ration (eTMR)

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Natcha Ketpanich
Saowaluck Yammuen-art
Phongthorn Kongmun
Tossapol Moolmanee
K. Teepalak Rangubhet


The present research aimed to evaluate effect of Lactobacillus paracasei at different levels of inoculation on fermentation quality and chemical composition of the ensiled total mixed ration (eTMR). The treatments were divided into 6 groups: 1) fresh total mixed ration (fresh TMR), 2) TMR without inoculation (eTMR), 3) TMR with 104 CFU/g of TMR of L. paracasei (LP4), 4) TMR with 105 CFU/g of TMR of L. paracasei (LP5), 5) TMR with 106 CFU/g of TMR of L. paracasei (LP6) and 6) TMR with 107 CFU/g of TMR of L. paracasei (LP7). The statistic was fixed by effects of ensiling process, (Fresh TMR vs. eTMR) inoculation with L. paracasei or without (eTMR vs. LP4, LP5, LP6 and LP7). The samples were collected at 21 days of ensiling times for analysis of fermentation quality and chemical compositions. The result shows that L. paracasei inoculation significantly decreased pH values and ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N). Latic acid tended to be decreased by inoculation. High level of L. paracasei inoculation affected pH and NH3-N. Ensiling process decreased ether extract (EE) and hemicellulose. In addition,
L. paracasei
inoculation tended to prevent the loss of EE. Moreover, Acid detergent lignin (ADL) was reduced by
L. paracasei inoculation. L. paracasei inoculation reduced acid detergent fiber (ADF) content and decreased loss of hemicellulose from the ensiling process. Despite the fact that the ensiling process appears to lower eTMR pH values, the mean concentrations of NH3-N and lactic acid increased. Additionally, it reduces nutritive values of eTMR (EE, neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and hemicellulose) but increases ratio of nonstructural carbohydrate (NSC), ADF, and cellulose. L. paracasei inoculation can enhance fermentation quality by reducing pH values and NH3-N. It can prevent loss of EE from the ensiling process and reduce ADL content.

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บทความวิจัย (research article)


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