Performance and challenges of agriculture cooperatives in Bhutan

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Tashi Dendup
Satit Aditto


Bhutan promotes agriculture cooperatives (ACs) to deliver farmers with the associated benefits. However, the performance of ACs, factors affecting performance, and challenges of ACs are unknown due to the scarcity of empirical studies. Thus, this study assessed the performance of ACs,  relationship between performance of ACs and their organisational characteristics, and challenges of ACs. characteristics. Data were collected through a census of 30 ACs in Central Bhutan using focused group discussions, structured questionnaires, field observations, and informal interviews. Quantitative data analysis involved descriptive statistics, independent t-tests, and the Spearman’s correlation. Results of the cooperative performance index showed that 60% of ACs were poor performers. The Spearman’s correlation coefficients revealed that the performance of ACs showed a positive and significant relationship with size (1) and age (2) of ACs, education (3) and leadership experience (4) of the chairperson, trust (5) and participation (6) of members, and government supports (7). Thematic analysis revealed challenges, including poor market, production issues like inaccessible to inputs, and weak group cohesion among members hinder the performance of ACs in Bhutan. This study suggests concerned authorities promote contract farmings, value addition of products, product processing, education, and training to boost ACs in Bhutan.

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How to Cite
Dendup, T. ., & Aditto, S. . (2020). Performance and challenges of agriculture cooperatives in Bhutan. วารสารแก่นเกษตร, 48(5), 1194–1205. สืบค้น จาก
บทความวิจัย (research article)


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