Expectations in deciding to participate in the Large Collaborative Farming Project (LCFP) of oil palm farmers in Narathiwat Province

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Supawan Bunrod
Pilaiwan Praprui


This study aimed to find out 1) the economic situation and oil palm production data, 2) expectations before deciding to participate in the Large Collaborative Farming Project (LCFP), and 3) factors that affect expectations in deciding to participate in the LCFP of oil palm farmers in Narathiwat province. The number of 263 farmers participating in LCFP in Narathiwat province was selected as a sample group used in this study. The questionnaire was used as a tool for data collection. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. The results of this study indicated that farmers had averages of experience in oil palm production for 10.29 years with oil palm planting areas for 12.20 rai/household, respectively. Household laborers were mostly used. The biggest problem found in oil palm productivity before participating in LCFP was the high production cost. 98.9% of farmers acknowledged LCFP news through personal media which were agricultural extensionists. The cost reduction was the expectation that farmers used in deciding to participate in LCFP rated at a high level (average value at 3.42). After farmers had participated in LCFP, the study found that incomes earned from selling the oil palm productivity increased by 1,856.84 baht/rai/year with a cost reduction of 443.52 baht/rai/year and more production by 271.67 kg/rai/year. More farmers received good agricultural practices (GAP) by 57.4%. The study also found that factors related to planting oil palm experience with quality development, size of oil palm planting area with cost reduction, and size of oil palm area participated in LCFP with quality development had positive correlations. However, the total household expenditures with quality development had a negative correlation with statistical significance at level P<0.05.

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How to Cite
Bunrod, S., & Praprui, P. . (2024). Expectations in deciding to participate in the Large Collaborative Farming Project (LCFP) of oil palm farmers in Narathiwat Province. Khon Kaen Agriculture Journal, 52(2), 406–417. Retrieved from https://li01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/agkasetkaj/article/view/261169
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