The Double Pagodas in Ayutthaya Period


  • Orawan Chueanoi Geography and History for Tourism Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Chandrakasem Rajabhat University


Architecture, Ayutthaya period, Double Pagoda


The article discusses a study of fine arts in Ayutthaya province, with primary purpose to examine the layout system of sacred architecture during Ayutthaya period. The examination of their forms, size, and location according to history process was conducted to determine their period of construction. This present study focuses on two main aspects including: 1) construction trends of double pagodas; and 2) background and rationale behind the construction of double pagodas. The first aspect concerning the construction trends of double pagodas in middle Ayutthaya period was determined based on their locations and forms. In terms of their locations, they were found to be located at the front and back of a roofed building. Regarding their forms, it could be observed that double pagodas were built in many forms including Prang Pagodas, Cornered Square Pagodas, Bell Pagodas, and Octagon Pagodas. These demonstrated the development of fine arts in the middle Ayutthaya period which closely related to the second point on background and rationale behind the construction of double pagodas in middle Ayutthaya period. In addition, it could be observed in the development of sacred architecture layout in middle Ayutthaya period that the main pagodas were diminished in size and signification whereas the roofed buildings in Buddhist temple appeared to receive more attention. As a result, double pagodas could be found to only serve as decorative pagodas in middle Ayutthaya period.


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How to Cite

Chueanoi, O. (2020). The Double Pagodas in Ayutthaya Period. Journal of Chandrakasemsarn, 26(1), 45–60. Retrieved from



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