Decorative Arts and Collaboration for Rural Tourism Case Study of Centennial Market, Khung Samphao Community, Manorom District, Chainat Province


  • Chainarong Ariyaprasert Program of Design. Faculty of Decorative Arts, Silpakorn University


Decorative arts, Collaboration for Rural Tourism, Centennial Market, Khung Samphao Community


In this academic article, the author reviewed the thesis on "Art and Design of Participatory Activities for Rural Attractions". By studying and exploring the target area through experimenting with various art-related activities to analyze the effects of activities which could have raised awareness among stakeholders towards activities that stimulating the community economy. Cosplay fashion photo shoot with vintage cars and street art, creation of dishes with local ingredients, and landscape painting activity-community life painted by tourists. From the observation and analysis of the results, it was found that street art activity had been ranked as the first check-in point in the old waterfront community of Manorom District, Chai Nat province, and could be regarded as the activity which generated the most participation in comparison to other artistic activities conducted by the author. The creation of street art required an approval and permission to be carried out by hosts, heirs, or real estate authority of the venue which artists were interested in creating the art on. Based on the effect of communication technology in social media, local relations could have been found established and this could also raise awareness among local communities. This could also base on the fact that sharing the new information had quickly become a trend which helped create more opportunities for authors to expand and gain cooperation both inside and outside the community. This cooperation led to an organization of flea market events to accommodate those who were interested in visiting. In addition, this operation had also successfully been supported by local government agencies. This collaboration was found to be based on the economic theory framework of CSV–Creating Shared Value.


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How to Cite

Ariyaprasert, C. . (2024). Decorative Arts and Collaboration for Rural Tourism Case Study of Centennial Market, Khung Samphao Community, Manorom District, Chainat Province. Journal of Chandrakasemsarn, 30(1), A1–15. Retrieved from



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