The History and Changes of Minburi


  • Punnee Bualek Program of Geography and History for Tourism, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Chandrakasem Rajabhat University


Minburi City, Settlement, City Development


 The purpose of this research was to study the history and changes of Minburi since the beginning settlement of different ethnic groups from the early Rattanakosin Period to the rice productivity, and the industrial society at present. This research was a historical study which was divided into 3 phases including the initial phase, the second phase, and the third phase. As could be observed in the initial phase that the settlements of different groups of people were found in early Rattanakosin Period to the 1867. Upon the second phase: the rice production society (1877-1947), it could be observed in this period in 1902 that Minburi was settled as a city. As Thai society moved forward to rice production for export, there came the third phase: the industrial city and in the periphery of Bangkok (1957-present). Farmer's way of life could be observed to gradually disappeared while the people began to adapt to the modern urbanization arising in this area.


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How to Cite

Bualek, P. . (2024). The History and Changes of Minburi. Journal of Chandrakasemsarn, 30(1), R64–79. Retrieved from



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