Value Stream Mapping of Snorkeling Activities in Trang Province


  • Jutima Boonmee Master of Arts Program in Tourism and Hotel Management, Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, Mahasarakham University
  • Kantimarn Chindaprasert Master of Arts Program in Tourism and Hotel Management, Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, Mahasarakham University


Value Stream Mapping, Snorkeling Activities, Trang Province


The aim of this research was to analyze and optimize the value stream mapping (VSM) of snorkeling activities in Trang Province. A qualitative approach using a semi-structured interview method was employed by conducting interviews with 7 snorkeling companies and 34 individuals involved in the activities. The analysis and synthesis were conducted regarding the overall operational characteristics of snorkeling activities with domain analysis to illustrate three types of activities: 1) Value-Adding (VA) activities, 2) Necessary but Non-Value-Adding (NNVA) activities, and 3) Non-Value-Adding (NVA) activities.

The findings reveal that there are four VA activities in the snorkeling activities in Trang Province, which included: 1) snorkeling activities itself, 2) food and beverage services, 3) package arrangements, and 4) various service provisions. Additionally, there were four NNVA activities, namely: 1) maintenance and upkeep of equipment, 2) unproductive waiting time, 3) hiring regular machine operators as per regulations, and 4) reserving excess boat capacity. Furthermore, there were five NVA activities identified which include: 1) providing services or booking activities beyond the program, 2) excessive discussion of details, 3) program switching during rising water levels, 4) excessive preparation of reserves for equipment and raw materials, and 5) performing certain tasks that are unnecessary. These research findings could be utilized by operators to make improvements and increase the value-added services in the snorkeling activities. This, in turn, would probably enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the service delivery process in snorkeling activities.


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How to Cite

Boonmee, J., & Chindaprasert, K. . (2024). Value Stream Mapping of Snorkeling Activities in Trang Province. Journal of Chandrakasemsarn, 30(1), R17–31. Retrieved from



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