The Role of Woven Textiles in Marriage and the After-Death Rituals of Tai Ethnic Groups in the Mekong River Basin


  • Pannawadee Srikhao Thai Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University
  • Pattalada Thongthow Thai Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University
  • Lanta Ketoukham Faculty of Education, Savannakhet University, Lao PDR
  • Irada Thipsana Independent Researcher


The Role of Woven Textiles, The Marriage Rituals, The After-Death Rituals, Tai Ethnic Groups in the Mekong River Basin


This article aims to study the role of woven textiles in marriage and the after-death rituals of Tai ethnic groups living in the Mekong River Basin: 1) Ban Phon Thong, Ban Phaeng District, Nakhon Phanom Province, Thailand; 2) Ban Ta Laew, Cham Phon District, Savannakhet Province, Lao PDR; and 3) Ban Ja, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, People's Republic of China. Field data was collected from December 2022 to May 2023 with 15 key informants using in-depth and group interviews. Analyze the content data and present the data using descriptive analysis.

It was found that all three Tai ethnic groups also have ritual practices and rites of passage, including marriage ceremonies (Kin Dong or Kin Khaek) and after-death ceremonies (Ngan Huen Dee or Kun Tay). Hand-woven cloth is an essential symbolic object in rituals. In the marriage ceremony, women produce woven textiles and purchase the woven textiles to use as clothing, offerings, utensils, and bedding. As for the after-death ritual, the woven textiles will be used as funeral clothing and coffin covers. In addition to performing rituals to dedicate merit to the deceased, it is also popular to weave Tung or Thung to symbolize the deceased's spirit. The woven textile, therefore, reflects the way of life of the Tai ethnic group, which is associated with traditional and Buddhist beliefs. Regarding the role of woven textiles in life rituals, it was found that there are four roles, consisting of 1) the role of expressing the identity of women, 2) the role of expressing the worldview of the world after death, 3) the role of creating additional economic value for the community and, 4) the role of maintaining the cultural identity of the Tai people.


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How to Cite

Srikhao, P., Thongthow, P. ., Ketoukham, L. ., & Thipsana, I. . (2024). The Role of Woven Textiles in Marriage and the After-Death Rituals of Tai Ethnic Groups in the Mekong River Basin. Journal of Chandrakasemsarn, 30(1), R128–143. Retrieved from



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