The Problem of Wheelchair Users in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province การศึกษาสภาพปัญหาของผู้ใช้วีลแชร์ในจังหวัดนครศรีธรรมราช

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Narapong Chuaychai
Anantakul Intarapadung
Prasert Wirotoheewan
Dusanee Supawantanakul


The purposes of this research were to study the problems of wheelchair users in Nakhon Si Thammarat province, to study the variables related to the choices of travelling methods for wheelchair users, and to find solutions. Questionnaires of 400 wheelchair-disabled people in Nakhon Si Thammarat province were collected, with information about wheelchair users in daily life who can use wheelchairs by themselves in all area conditions. It was found that most respondents were male, which were 299 people (74.80%). There were 101 females (25.20%). Average daily time for using wheelchairs were 11 hours per day. The average weights including users and wheelchairs was 56.40 kilograms. The cushion solution is wheelchair users. It must be fitted and supported users in long-term, which were good balance and pressure reduction. According to the standard, which specifies the width and length of the seat were specified from 16 inches onwards and the thickness of the seat from 3 inches onwards. The solution for wheelchair propulsion processes on rough surfaces was using reducing the force technique by applying the planetary gear set to the wheel sharing force. The planetary gear set is a gear that is used in a limited space and reduced the force by driving the gear within a limited area.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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