Effects of Using Bio-extracts from Local Fruits and its Byproducts on the Coagulation Efficiency of Rubber Cup Lump ผลของการใช้น้ำหมักชีวภาพจากผลไม้และวัสดุเศษเหลือผลไม้ในท้องถิ่น ต่อการเพิ่มประสิทธิภาพการจับตัวของยางก้อนถ้วย

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Chatchai Sungpud
Sujaree Kaewkong
Wannachai Phromkerd
Kritsada Thanphongsap


Nowadays, Thai farmers prefer to use chemicals to coagulate fresh rubber latex to produce rubber cup lumps in their fields. The acidic condition of the effluent deteriorates the rubber plants and may cause tapping panel dryness. In addition, the acid used can irritate hands or exposed skin and pollute the environment. Based on these problems, this research aimed to develop a bio-based rubber coagulant to produce rubber cup lumps using acids from local vegetable and fruit bio-extracts. A completely randomized design was used to study the effects of the addition of 6 coagulants, namely 3% formic acid, 3% sulfuric acid, 3% acetic acid, bio-extracts from lime peels, ripe bananas, and pineapple on the precipitation of rubber for 24 hours. The results showed that there was a statistical difference in the coagulation time of the rubber cup lumps between the 6 coagulants (p < 0.05). The rubber latex coagulation with sulfuric acid was the fastest, taking 33 minutes, but the rubber cup lump had a dry weight, and its coagulation efficiency was only 87.64%. When the results of the 3 bio-extracts were compared, it was found that the lime peel extract had the fastest latex coagulation time of 235 minutes, followed by ripe banana and pineapple with 466 and 467 minutes, respectively, with no significant difference between the fresh weight and the dry weight (p > 0.05), but the ripe banana bio-extract had the highest rubber coagulation efficiency of 99.61%, followed by the pineapple and the lime peel bio-extracts with 95.56% and 95.56%, respectively. The results of the acidity test showed that 3% sulfuric acid had the highest acidity value, with an initial pH of 0.71 and a serum of 0.97. When all 3 types of bio-extracts were used, the acidity was lower with a serum pH of 4.11-4.97. When the lime peel bio-extract, which had the fastest coagulation time, was soaked with rambutan peel for 2 weeks before use, it was found that the average coagulation time of the rubber cup lump was decreased from 235 minutes to 35 minutes and the coagulation efficiency increased from 95.56 to 100%. In addition, the pH of the serum or effluent after settling was low (pH 5.15) compared to sulfuric acid (pH 0.71), which was beneficial to the rubber trees, did not cause skin irritation, and did not acidify the soil.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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