Effect of Selenium Supplemented Hom Thong Banana Tree Compost on Growth, Yield, and Selenium Content of Lettuce

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Patcharee Dechlay
Komgrit Saengngoen
Nattapong Chanchula
Anan Piriyaphattarakit


The lettuce was grown by using planting soil in combination with selenium supplemented Hom Thong Banana tree compost at Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research (TISTR). The experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) consisting of 4 planting materials with 3 replications; planting soil (control), planting soil with 0, 450 and 675 ppm selenium supplemented Hom Thong banana tree compost (1st, 2nd and 3rd compost recipes, respectively). Growth, yield, and selenium content in lettuce were recorded at 28 days after transplanting. The results showed that planting soil with 2nd compost recipe gave the highest height, leaf width, number of leaves, fresh and dry weight at 15.51 cm, 8.55 cm, 8.00 leaves, 27.06 g and 1.40 g, respectively. Planting soil with 3rd compost recipe gave the highest leaf length, leaf greenness and canopy width at 10.01 cm, 26.54 SPAD Unit and 17.36 cm, respectively. Moreover, planting soil with 3rd compost recipe gave the highest accumulation of selenium in lettuce at 321.08 ug/kg. Therefore, planting soil with the 2nd compost recipe was the most suitable planting material for lettuce with a high yield and selenium content.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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