Effect of Microwave Radiation on Physicochemical Structure of Chicken Eggshells

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Pilaipon Nuthongkum
Prapassorn Junlabhut
Prasopporn Junlabhut


In this research, the effect of microwaves on physical and structural properties of chicken eggshells with various were studied. The influence of thermal treatment with various microwave power at 400, 560 and 800 W for 5 min were investigated. As the power increases, the rhombohedral crystallinity of CaCO3 of chicken egg shell particles is heightened. The calculated crystalline size increased from 69.51 nm to 77.79, 89.17 and 91.22 nm, respectively. Then, microwaves were heated with various time for 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 min with a constant power of 800 W. The results indicated that the power at 800 W for 10 min were used to improve the highest crystallinity of the CaCO3 of the chicken egg shell. As the time increases up to 15 and 20 min, the crystallinity was slightly decreased. As time went up to 25 min, the structural reveals that CaCO3 can be transformed into the CaO structure as seen in X-ray diffraction patterns.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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