Factors Influencing Bang Phae Giant Freshwater Prawn Farming to Promote Geographically Unique Prawn Characteristics

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Chadaporn Pokaisawan
Nopthira Jawaut


The unique characteristics of Bang Phae giant freshwater prawn are as follows; the body is dark glossy bluish, the claws are dark bluish, greenish, or gold, the texture is firm to touch, the flavor is delicate and sweet, the head has a lot of creamy fat, the smell is delightful after cooking. The area for cultivation is in Bang Phae, Damneonsaduak, and Photharam districts, in Ratchaburi. The soil characteristics of Bang Phae, Damneonsaduak, and Photharam districts are considered as clay soil or clay-roam soil with dark grey to black hue. The landform was consolidated from alluvial deposits in brackish water conditions, resulting in the fertilized soil properties with high to medium levels of minerals and microorganisms. The soil acidity or alkalinity (pH) there is at a medium-range between 5.5-8.0, and the drainage level is poor. Due to the soil qualities and the local wisdom use of local narrow-leaf cattails to be fermented together, the watercolor in the ponds changes to tea or greenish-brown due. Those colors can provide shade to the pond bottom and shield it from the sun's rays, allowing planktons, water mites, and moss to thrive in the water. They eventually become the natural food of the prawns. In addition, the terrain is a kind of floodplain, with the water type 2 suited for aquatic animal preservation and fisheries. The weather is also pleasant, resulting in average water temperatures of 25 to 30 degrees Celsius, as well as locals’ unique farming practices. These geographical factors and practices contribute to the efficient production of giant freshwater prawns that can create the prawns' distinguishing characteristics such as developing quickly, having a dark glossy bluish color, firm texture, exquisite taste, a lot of fat on the head, and a delightful smell after cooking. As a result, the prawn products become the identity of the three districts.

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บทความวิชาการ (Academic Articles)


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