A Study of the Importance Levels of Human Capital Components of Civil Engineers and Irrigation Engineers: The Case of the Royal Irrigation Department

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Pornthep Wuthiwong
Nakhon Kokkaew


“Human capital or HC” has become one of the organization’s most important assets today. This study refers to the concept of human capital that focuses on the development of “knowledge, skills and abilities”. Retention of human capital developed personnel is also important because personnel can apply their knowledge, skills and abilities to the operations of the organization. The objectives of this research are (1) to find the important levels of the HC components and factors affecting the retainment of civil and irrigation engineers of the Royal Irrigation Department, and (2) to analyze the factors differentiating the importance levels of the HC components and retainment of the engineers in different positions. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the key components of HC and the factors affecting the development and retainment of engineers. One-way ANOVA was then used as the inferential statistics to analyze the key factors affecting the differences in the importance levels of key components of HC and the retainment of engineers in each job position. The sample group consisted of 264 Royal Irrigation Department engineers. The results showed that the sample group put the highest score on the following HC components: 1) basic engineering knowledge, 2) human skills, and 3) the ability to define and solve the problems using engineering knowledge.

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