Effect of Using Learning System on Cloud Integrated with Flipped Classroom on Atom and Atomic Structure for Developing Learning Achievement of Matthayom Suksa 5 Students

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Watcharaporn Srirak


From the COVID-19 situation, its effect on human life to use science and technology in response to their needs, especially education that relates to students. The Development of Learning System on Cloud Integrated with Flipping Classroom on Atom and Atomic Structure will be developing learning achievement and reducing educational inequalities for students. The research tools consisted of a lesson plan, the learning achievement test, and the satisfaction questionnaire. The purposes of this study were 1) to compare the learning achievement of students before and after implementations of the cloud computing combined with flipped classes approach, 2) to compare the learning achievement of the experimental group after using the cloud computing combined with flipped classes approach, and the control group who used the traditional lecture approach, and 3) to investigate the satisfaction of students after implementations of the cloud computing combined with flipped classes approach. The samples were Matthayom suksa 5/7 students (n = 30). The samples were selected by purposive sampling. The results of this research showed that 1) the mean scores of posttest were significantly higher than pretest after implementations of the cloud computing combined with flipped classes approach (p < 0.05). 2) The mean scores of students’ posttest after implementations of the cloud computing combined with flipped classes approach were significantly higher than the control group who used the traditional lecture approach (p < 0.05). 3) It was found that the students’ satisfaction on learning by the cloud computing combined with flipped classroom approach was at highest level (Mean = 4.67, SD = 0.59).

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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